Instanced sub-object property values get out of sync between parent and child Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 17, 2016

Also, another, possibly related symptom that should be looked into alongside this: Possibly related: 1. Set InlineObject to null on both character. 2. Assign new Inline Object to InlineObject on Ba ...

Building development version on Linux fails due to iOS folder structure

UE - Platform - Linux - Jun 26, 2017

In the default Linux folder configuration, Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public contains two folders, iOS and IOS. The iOS folder contains the files IOSCriticalSection.h and IOSCriticalSection.h while ...

Certain particle effects in ContentExamples pause when looked at on Mac with Metal

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 20, 2016

Certain particle effects in ContentExamples stop playing when looked at from a specific angle. The affected demos are 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.7 Seen on an Nvidia MacbookPro and AMD MacPro Does not o ...

Subsurface materials display dark lines in the middle of the viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 8, 2017

AMD gpus are displaying an issue with subsurface materials. Dark lines appear on the material that run through the middle of the viewport, (See screenshot attached). This was seen on AMD drivers 17. ...

Failed to compile UE4 on Mac using incompatible Xcode version

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 7, 2017

Clone the GitHub repo for 4.15.1, run setup, gpf, then build UE4. Fails to compile due to metal errors. It would be nice if we could produce a warning if the compiler being used is newer than what ...

The Radial Blur Shader Doesn't Look Correct With Raytracing Translucency Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jan 21, 2020

The Radial Blur shader doesn't look correct with ray tracing translucency enabled. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 Reproduced in 4.25 Main CL#11050671 ...

Persona code calling incorrect extenders when building menus.

OLD - Anim - Jan 25, 2017

Certain files for building menus is calling the wrong extenders List of known conflicting functions:FSkeletalMeshEditor::ExtendMenu() [Engine\Source\Editor\SkeletalMeshEditor\Private\SkeletalMeshEd ...

AnimCurveCompressionSettings is reset to CompressedRichCurve at editor startup

OLD - Anim - May 21, 2019

AnimCurveCompressionSettings's codec is reset to CompressedRichCurve when user open the project, so user can not keep the state changed to UniformlySampled. The following code in the constructor of ...

[GPU Lightmass] bake artifact w/ two actors of same static mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 22, 2022

As per a bug report from Pixomondo: if there are two static meshes in the scene and one has a rotation, it gets a GPULM bake artifact as if it is intersecting with the unrotated version of itself. S ...

MoviePipeline: Python Editor example can double-up objects in-scene

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 4, 2022

See the UDN for sample project. This is caused by the Editor Python sample not using the UMoviePipelineQueueSubsystem, which (when rendering) blocks the Sequencer from auto-binding to PIE. The fix ...