If a TArray declared in a component class has the UPROPERTY specifier "Instanced", then attempts to edit an instance of the array in the editor viewport after adding the component to a blueprint doe ...
Not possible to launch on device without checking out the .umap file or marking it as writable. On any project of a large enough scale, requiring the user to check out the level to launch it on tar ...
This was tested on Windows the crash does not occur. This crash also occurs on Matinee cinematic as well, but only when you ~ quit the standalone game. ...
1. Create a hierarchy in UMG that has a couple layers deep of children such as vertical boxes that have multiple children that are vertical boxes, widget switchers .. 2. Collapse all children in th ...
Can not see anything but a beige background on tvOs ...
When attempting to bind an event in a child blueprint using a variable from the parent blueprint, the target of the assign node is automatically set to self instead of the target variable that you d ...
App is crashing when walking off the edge and the player ragdolls tvOS 10.0 iPhone6S+_6241 OS: 9.3.5 Did NOT occur on SamsungS7_8344 ...
QAGame is crashing on tvOS when attempting to move physics objects with the physics gun ...
When sculpting on the edges of landscapes, the changes in the landscapes height can be random and inconsistent. The user reporting this issue tested on an iMac 5k with AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB. ...
Changing the resolution from within the options menu on tvOS causes the app to crash ...