When attempting to replace a global float variable with a local float variable that is connected to a Timer node in a blueprint function, an error will appear after trying to compile. This does not ...
After building geometry with multiple box brushes stacked on top of one another, the selection no longer isolates a single brush but acts like all of the brushes are combined. This issue can be res ...
Character movement "Flying" can cause incorrect collision when the character is not moving. If the character is not moving, the character will go through the floor in the example provided ...
Giving an int32 variable the specific ArrayClamp has no affect when the specified array is defined inside a USTRUCT(). Variable is able to be set to a value outside of specified struct's range. ...
While going through [Link Removed] I found it difficult to click on the different actors in QA_Promotion during step 4. It always selected the ground or the skybox unless the camera was really clos ...
void USceneCaptureComponent2D::CaptureSceneDeferred() { UWorld* World = GetWorld(); if (World && World->Scene && IsVisible()) { // Defer until after updates finish // Needs some CS because ...
Spawnable actors visible for one extra frame on cut between subsequences ...
Overridden custom functions have inputs locked when parent actor is set to different blueprint type. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...
Using the Get Children Components node does not seem to be returning static mesh components that have simulate physics set to true. If simulate physics is disabled, the static mesh will be containe ...
Reparenting an actor component to an instanced static mesh component causes a crash. Found on //UE4/Dev-Blueprints CL-3122712 ...