When spawning multiple characters in a dedicated server, the first client will spawn under the map and be unable to move. See Zak's comment at bottom of thread. ...
SetGamePaused documentation states that it returns "whether the game was successfully paused/unpaused." This seems to imply that a return value of true means either the game was paused and was unpa ...
Crash when using save all, when there is a 3D widget on an invisible sublevel ...
When changing a packaged game from Fullscreen to Windowed mode at runtime, the window is placed in the top left corner of the monitor and the title bar disappears. Setting FullscreenMode=2 in the G ...
When a custom enum is used as the Bitmask Enum of a Make Bitmask node, the value returned does not match the expected value ...
When using the Blueprint Hiearchy Type for creation on the Full Scene Importer if you've previously imported and set some of the settings like the Override Lightmap Resolution via the BP and then re ...
Crash when rendering cinematic in a Separate Process without "-NoLoadingScreen" cmd argument. Occurs in 4.12 and 4.13 in both Matinee and Sequencer Error message: Assertion failed: SizeX > 0 && S ...
When creating and declaring a Spline Component in code, placing an instance of a blueprint derived from that class in the level causes a failed import message to appear upon restarting the level. ...
In 4.11 when you selected an actor with multiple material elements with the merge actors tool open you had the option to merge the material elements into a single one. This option is no longer valid ...
When a component is added to an ActorComponent class, and the ActorComponent is then added as a component to another class, the first component appears in the blueprint hierarchy but its detail pane ...