After enabling the new 'Support Global Clip Plane for Planar Reflections' option in 4.12, the project hangs at 45% after restarting. As a note, I had another teammate attempt to enable this option ...
When using Get Random Reachable Point in Radius and spawning instanced static meshes on those points, it returns a similar pattern almost every time with an L-shape in the center along with a dense ...
When feeding a 'Static Bool Parameter' through a 'Quality Switch' node within the material editor, the material instance for said parameter does not appear until the 'Params' button is enabled. If ...
Event begin input touch does not appear to fire off correctly on laptop touch screens ...
Editing bsp within folder in world outliner will unhide bsps within a subfolder Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...
Tessellation appears to cause textures to appear incorrectly in the right eye of the vive ...
Changing the mobility of a light component within a child component that of a parent blueprint and then entering PIE without compiling crashes the editor. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: N/A Regres ...
When setting the 'r.SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage' variable to any value other than 100, UV world space textures begin to swim. In the example project attached, I created a simple translucent ...
If client takes a long time to send a move to the server, the server erroneously ticks it for a large time without updating the client's timestamp, causing the server to move the client further than ...
The mouse cursor is not being locked to the viewport during PIE in versions 4.11 and up. This is inconsistent with the behavior that was seen in 4.10 because the mouse was locked to the viewport du ...