Converting BSP to static mesh on Linux causes the editor to crash

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 11, 2016

Converting a BSP to a static mesh will freeze and crash the editor when done on Linux. Windows does not exhibit the same conversion crash. ...

Grouping of multi-part Skeletal Mesh LODs causes only one part to import

Tools - Mar 11, 2016

When setting up Skeletal Mesh LODs, groups within an LOD Group in Maya are now accepted on import as of 4.12. However, it only brings in one mesh from the group. See attached image and fbx ...

Delay Node not persisting through Concatenator Node in Sound Cue Editor

UE - Audio - Mar 11, 2016

Sound Waves do not continue to play when using a delay node before a Concatenator. I tested this issue in the binary releases of 4.9.2 and 4.10.4 and it did not occur in either version. ...

Behavior tree ignores decorator's execution request when it occurs during latent task abort

UE - AI - Mar 11, 2016

UBehaviorTreeComponent::IsExecutingBranch needs to include task state ...

[Mac] [Preview] Texture nodes do not clip behind parts outside of the graph editor until the node is completely obfuscated

UE - Platform - Apple - Mar 10, 2016

When using the Material editor, the preview slides on the texture nodes do not clip behind the other elements of the UI as the nodes do. This issue only occurs on Mac OSX El Capitan version. It was ...

Snap Actor to View Cannot Be Undone

Tools - Mar 10, 2016

The action of right-clicking on an object in the viewport and selecting "Snap Object to View" cannot be undone with Ctrl +Z or by choosing "undo" from the main menu bar ...

FIntVector has some code that refers to it being two dimensonal

UE - Gameplay - Mar 10, 2016

There is code in the FIntVector class (IntVector.h) that seems to be copied from the FIntRect class which is a problem since FIntRect is two dimensonal while FIntVector is three dimensional. The one ...

Crash when importing FBX file a second time after an error is given

Tools - Mar 10, 2016

Editor crashes when trying to import a FBX a second time after the FBX failed to import the first time. An image of the error attached below. ...

UPROPERTY specifiers are not reflected for FTransform

Tools - Mar 10, 2016

Defining an FTransform in code with VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly allows the variable to still be edited per instance placed in the level. ...

Vertex Paint on Static Mesh Component in BP is lost on Packaged and Standalone Game

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 10, 2016

BP Static Mesh Components are not retaining the vertex color applied to them in a level when you play in Standalone or Package a Project. You will get the correct results however when you PIE. Thi ...