Debug information from blueprint visual loggers (log text, loglocation, logboxshape) do not print to either the message log or output log. This can be problematic as the visual debugger specifically ...
When you preview a node in the material Editor, the node color will correctly switch to the Preview Blue, but will not show the preview tag until another node is added to the Graph. Preview Node:[I ...
A bug in UBTService_BlueprintBase makes it impossible to create "deactivation-only" BP implemented BT services. ...
I tried to debug. In:for (int32 StackIndex = Stack.Num() - 1; StackIndex >= FirstStackIndexToRemove; --StackIndex) { Stack[StackIndex]->Dismiss(); // <-- here } It crashes because Stack is em ...
When reimporting a .FBX matinee Actor, the X and Y axis of the animation are interchanged. ...
If the user uses the VR preview (not standalone) the right eye will blink black. ...
As the title suggests, dynamic shadows on mobile when using a stationary directional light are not appearing at all when deployed to the device or when viewed in the mobile previewer. The odd part ...
When viewing reflections in multiple viewports the reflections will differ from the original viewport. ...
Reset To Default button creation in customizations too manual? Sounds like there might be a lot of duplicated code creating reset buttons that should all called a single helper to make them identic ...
In 4.11 when making changes to node properties in an animation blueprint they will not always appear to update in child blueprint instances when restarting the editor. In the attached project the l ...