If a class is added then removed from a project, blueprints can still be created based on the deleted class. ...
Creating a C++ class based on actor and adding components to it will build successfully and work as expected. However, creating two child blueprints of a parent that is based on that C++ class and p ...
Setting ComponentTick as a Hide Category in an Actor Component Blueprint corrupts the BP and causes a crash when opened after an editor restart. [Link Removed] Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.0 b ...
Slow memory leak occurs after opening Actor Component blueprints. ...
Trying to pass a TAssetPtr to a BlueprintImplementableEvent function will result in a build failure. It appears that the TAssetPtr should be passed as a const reference, but this results in an error ...
If the user places a text widget out side of the canvas panel and then sets it's anchor point to full screen, this can cause a memory leak (100kb-800kb). ...
When attempting to select multiple actors in the level that contain Child Actor Components, if you right-click to edit the properties of the selected actors, it will deselect any others that you hav ...
Selecting the default character/skeletal mesh (or any skeletal mesh) in the viewport, right-clicking and transforming it so it mirrors on the X,Y, or Z axis will cause the physics to act erratically ...
After bringing the BP_LightStudio into a level and building light an error message is given. The error message says that the Skybox's UV's are overlapping. ...
Using the "Automatic" option to compress animation results in crash 100% in UE4.10 but does not occur in UE4.9.2. *Regression ...