Root Motion from Everything doesn't accept Root Motion from Montages in 4.11. This works in 4.10. Can regress down the issue if needed. ...
The UMG editor will compile as if the blueprints is valid if you make "Get Text" node from a TextBlock variable, delete it and create a EditableText variable with the same name. When running a scene ...
UPaperSprite::PostLoad() now sets BakedSourceTexture, BakedSourceUV, and BakedSourceDimension (if AtlasGroup is nullptr). There's nothing in reimport that sets them, so they are stale/latch to the ...
The Oculus spatialization option is not producing sounds. In Test Rail I can see that the test related to this passed April 2021 in UE4. In UE5 it passed on Early Access in February 2021. ...
Control Rig Tracks are not visible in Sequencer when the Name and Display Name are not set to the same value in the Control Rig graph, and the track filter is set to "Selected Control Rig Controls". ...
Lumen's rough specular indirect lighting buffer can have fireflies along the bottom and right edges of the screen. Also tested in //UE5/Main, CL: 35177423 ...
creating an instance of a blueprint and making changes to the instance will not respect "Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default" when pressed from Details Pane. ...
If an actor is spawned using game instance blueprint, a packaged .exe will crash upon loading. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
After place a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume into a level, launching the game and pressing the [ ' ] key to show information about the Nav mesh the print string stops working. If the User closes the game w ...
A Pass-by-Reference function input cannot accept a reference to Self. Workaround: Cast from Self to the desired class and use that for the function's input. ...