Looking at several blueprints during play, that add multiple static meshes in their construction script, drastically drops the FPS. As a workaround, I suggested to the user that he should use Insta ...
Copying an asset into a new folder, placing an instance of the copy into the level, and then attempting to duplicate that copy by using CTRL+W in the viewport creates another instance of the origina ...
Override Game Mode only works when Using Separate Process ...
When trying to get a hit result from physical material using a event hit node there will be a access none error caused in the log. This is the exact error presented: Error Accessed None 'CallFunc_B ...
Emitter Initial Location (EIL)module will cause the emitter with the module to follow whatever other emitter is set. If the emitter being followed has an Orbit module, the first emitter does not fo ...
When loading a Sub Level from the Persistent Level of World Composition, the offset of WorldComposition is applied when loading the Sub Level by itself. The offset can be applied repeatedly when rel ...
Values changed to an inherited Struct variable in a Child Blueprint will be kept after compile, but any not changed will be set to 0s. ...
Spawning a bp, setting the location, and simulating physics in one string will cause the Set Actor Location node to be ignored User Description: One is if you spawn a physics actor which has simu ...
If you 'Save All' after renaming an asset after it's creation, without any saves prior, it will appear in the windows explorer's content folder but will not be visible in the editor. ...
When using a Create Dynamic Material Instance node the Get Material node will plug into the World Context Object rather than the Parent input. This will cause a error to be thrown that does not allo ...