Adjusting transform of a mesh with LODs causes LODs to flicker

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 3, 2015

If a hierarchical instanced static mesh has LODs and is scaled in a blueprint, the mesh will rapidly switch between LODs, causing a flickering effect. Note: This only seems to occur if the camera ...

Client movement and animation are heavy jittered on listen server

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 10, 2019

The listen server will see jitter in clients character movement and animations. This is hard to notice without the "slomo" command but is extremely obvious using "slomo". Clients will see server and ...

Landscapes cause Vulkan crash related to GRHISupportsAttachmentVariableRateShading

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Nov 7, 2022

Binary (Installed Build)//UE5/Release-5.1 @CL22986940 I encountered this same crash when creating a landscape twice, but was not able to consistently reproduce it with those steps. I figured out th ...

EditInlineNew specifier for UClasses causes issues with the editor UI

Tools - Dec 10, 2015

When a class uses the EditInlineNew specifier, the resulting class has some errors when interacting with the editor. 1. Unable to assign existing blueprints based off the class to an array of that ...

Auto Reimport crash with some file paths

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Dec 14, 2016

Auto Reimport source paths can cause a crash with the editor. I couldn't narrow down in my limited testing what would cause the crash vs what would not with these file paths. The one in my attached ...

Linked Anim Graph With Mesh With Post Process BP Has Faster Animation Playrate

OLD - Anim - Jan 20, 2020

When an animation blueprint is using the "Linked Anim Graph" node and it's skeletal mesh has a post process animation blueprint the animation is played at the wrong playrate. Linked Anim Graphs wer ...

zero-volume being cutoff and not restarted when non-zero

Licensee reported issue with recent changes to sorting that include volume-weighting. Previously, the sort was just due to priority (which was usually 1.0 and thus the sort was nearly random) and ha ...

Planar Reflections Cause Big Performance Hit In Packaged VR Projects

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 22, 2020

Planar reflections notably lower performance in packaged VR project. Linked is an example project and an example package. [Link Removed]. This was tested on a Vive Pro and Oculus Rift(not Rift S). ...

After calling Seamless Travel, actors in the level will not be in their original positions

UE - Networking - Dec 18, 2015

After calling Seamless Travel, actors in the level will not be in their original positions. The example provided by the licensee had a different result: the actors, despite having Start Awake disabl ...

Anisotropy not working correctly when used in Material Layers

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jan 17, 2024

1. When a Material Layer is applied and there is no node connected to Anisotropy in the master material(M_Test_1), the material does not function correctly after packaging, although it works properl ...