The attached project will crash whenever attempting to load the default map which is parented to a custom level script made by the user. Note: This issue doesn't occur for all maps in the project. ...
Saving an asset that has recently been renamed using the "Choose files to save" save method will retain the original name of the asset within the save menu. ...
When you preview a node in the material editor, the Previewing text inconsistently appears on node and when previewing stops does not disappear. The Blue and Green Color change appears to work as e ...
If a parent blueprint is compiled and then play in editor is utilized. The child blueprint will lose categories in it's my detail's pane until recompiled. Note: Licensee reports that variables res ...
The Camera Shake Class no longer allows for indefinite shaking via setting a negative value in the Oscillation duration, per the tooltip instructions. This happens when using either the Play World ...
There's a small typo in the "skeleton" tooltip in the editor's fbx importer. It says "and animation" when it should say "an animation" (see attached screenshot). ...
When changing r.ScreenPercentage the final value used for buffer generation is clamped to the nearest 4 pixels to aid in post processing and other steps. During post processing the same calculation ...
When using a text variable as a binding for a text block, the text does not reflect the default value that is assigned to the variable that the text block in bound to. This can make it more difficul ...
In the Animation Starter Pack, if you hold down W+A simultaneosly to move Forward/Left OR S+D to move Backward/Right, the character does not face the proper direction and will appear to "slide" acro ...
This is a common crash affecting users. User DescriptionsJust import a Mesh of Fuse Source Context 624 void UnFbx::FFbxImporter::RecursiveBuildSkeleton(FbxNode* Link, TArray<FbxNode*>& Out ...