Comparing BB entries doesn't work

UE - AI - Feb 25, 2015

UBlackboardComponent::CompareKeyValues contains a bug and instead of using KeyType's default class object it uses UBlackboardKeyType's which results in comparison of memory addresses. This obviously ...

BTTask_MoveTo issues when AI already at goal location

UE - AI - Feb 25, 2015

Seems like the task node result is wrong if AI is already at location. If so then it's a pretty serious issue. Needs to be investigated. ...

Cross Product Node labeled "Cross_VectorVector" instead of "X"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 24, 2015

The Cross Product Blueprint Node is now labeled Cross_VectorVector taking up more space as a node than the previous "X" Also reproduced on Main Promotable-CL-2455917 ...

Build failing for users project with all platforms

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 24, 2015

When attempting to package this project for a mobile device, the build with fail. I tested in main and 4.7 release and the build will always fail. Project: [Link Removed] Users log: https://ans ...

TUnion implementation is missing

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 24, 2015

The implementation for TUnion is commented out (in Union.cpp) causing it to not function properly. DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY(LogUnion); has to be added to the user's source file for the VS compille to wo ...

Crash when opening Post Process Material with Live Data Preview running in Profiler

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 24, 2015

Edit: CrashReporter link: [Link Removed] When running the Session Frontend Profiler as a Live Data Preview and you open a Post Process material, the editor will crash to the desktop. Reproduced in ...

Mousing over component list of an actor with InputComponent causes breakpoint in VS during PIE

Tools - Feb 24, 2015

When debugging a project through Visual Studio, if an actor with an Input Component is selected in the World Outliner a breakpoint will trigger in VS when attempting to select/mousing over any compo ...

Calling StopAnimMontage() on a Character results in all active AnimMontages stopping instead of only the specified one.

OLD - Anim - Feb 24, 2015

In ACharacter::StopAnimMontage(), the call to AnimInstance->Montage_Stop() does not include the parameter identifying which montage needs to stop. It appears that this results in all active AnimMont ...

Crash with assigning APEX Cloth that uses a custom graphical mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 24, 2015

When a graphical mesh is used to create a lower LOD for cloth assets and the Cloth FBX has the APB assigned to the material for the cloth there will be a crash. ...

Color bubble has no effect in an Event Graph

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 24, 2015

If you add a comment to an Event graph Blueprint and change the comment color, the bubble should not change colors unless the Color Bubble detail is checked. I have included photos to better show ...