[AI] Navmesh shows in editor but does not get loaded in PIE

UE - AI - Navigation - May 13, 2024

When using static or dynamic modifiers only navmesh, there are times that the navmesh will build and display correctly in editor, but it does not get properly loaded at runtime (PIE/SIE). The Recast ...

Cracks in Nanite Tesselated Landscape

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - May 13, 2024

Landscape component edges can become disconnected when using Nanite Tessellation at the edges of weight-blended layers. ...

Cached camera component on LevelSequencePlayer is null

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 13, 2024

Rect light artifacts from NaN pixels on surfaces that are coplanar with light position

UE - Graphics Features - May 10, 2024

Rect lights cause artifacts (nan pixels) on pixels of surfaces that are coplanar with light position.  In RectLight.ush, in RectIrradianceLambert, at line 106, c30 is -1, so rsqrt(0) causes a nan to ...

Crash when seamlessly travelling from World Partition map

UE - Networking - May 9, 2024

Based on the licensee's report, the crash seems to be occurring due to the WorldDataLayers actor, and setting this actor to never be dormant seems to resolve the issue. ...

Expanding pins and moving nodes in graph marks Compile as dirty

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - May 8, 2024

Expanding pins and moving nodes in the graph marks the Control Rig blueprint as dirty, requiring a recompile of the entire blueprint.  Blueprints do not do this.  ...

Conditional crash when a DragAndDrop operation is done betweeen Data Layers.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Data Layers - May 8, 2024

A crash occurs to the engine as when we when have unreal as a backgroud task, and we try to drag and drop a layer to another by selecting the layer visibility button. ...

Editing Filtered Channels in Details panel doesn't update Spawn Control Node

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - May 7, 2024

An external user reported that creating and editing filtered channels in the details panel does not propagate to the node in the graph, thus making it unusable.  Here is a video with the issue: [ ...

UpdateDelayRandomStream can cause replicated actor to be skipped for consideration

UE - Networking - May 6, 2024

When calculating an actor's NextUpdate time, a random delay is added: ActorInfo->NextUpdateTime = World->TimeSeconds + UpdateDelayRandomStream.FRand() * ServerTickTime + NextUpdateDelta; If this d ...