The 'Add Movement Input' node no longer functions on a Default Pawn. This worked in 4.5.1 & 4.6.1. ...
SetGamePaused on EventDestroyed crashes the editor on compile. Reproduced in 4.7.3 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2496752) Crash Report: [Link Removed] Call Stack: UE4Editor_Engine! U ...
It only seems to be this user's game that crashes when he packages or does launch on windows I have reproduced this locally. I honestly don't know why this repro's, but I have an example project a ...
The Noise Material Expression is rendering values well outside the Min and Max Range set in the Expression node. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2469752 Alerted the user to suspicions and su ...
With 'Use Small Toolbar Icons' checked in the 'Editor Preferences', the 'Back' button within the 'Project Launcher' disappears. The expected would for the button to get smaller and not vanish entir ...
Add Actor Local Offset does not work for Client Characters. The client attempts to move but is forced back to start, resulting in a jitter and not the intended movement. The same movement setup in a ...
Casting to a character class inside of AnimBlueprint after a hot reload caused editor to crash Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Additionally, Casts fail, breaking AnimBlueprint after a hot reload ...
If a player on a dedicated server attempts to possess a feshly spawned pawn, the blueprint must have an unpossess node just before the possess node to be able to possess the pawn. This is not the ca ...
When running a game in PIE, standalone, or package the game does not gain initial focus. User must click inside the game window to enable input. ...
If you have an Execute Console Command node in your level blueprint with a pressed key executable node, The project will freeze if packaged for shipping when 'Stat FPS' in in the Command box. Test ...