Mobile HDR is causing issues on certain devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 8, 2014

When deploying a template project to the devices listed below, there is an issue with the mobile HDR being checked on. It is causing the project to show either black or static like. Devices tested ...

FSlateApplication::OnControllerButtonPressed/Released removed causing input plugins to no longer work

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 8, 2014

The functions OnControllerButtonPressed/Released using FKey were deleted for 4.6. This leaves plugin authors no way of propagating key presses from their plugin in to the input system. ...

Event Dispatcher not being called in 4.6

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 8, 2014

ED nodes in 4.6 but are not being executed in standalone or cooked games. Also, users receive compile errors when the project is saved and reopened that resolve when the blueprint is recompiled. ...

HiResShot in Standalone Play Not Saving Screenshots

Tools - Dec 8, 2014

the High resolution screenshot is not saved when using the command 'HiResShot' when playing via the Standalone option. You can use the command and it shows the link to the directory where the screen ...

The crash reporter tool does not start on Windows 8.1 machines when running the Engine built from source code.

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 5, 2014

The source code to build the Engine that is available from GitHub includes the file dbghelp.dll, which prevents the crash reporter tool from starting on Windows 8.1 machines. This file is not presen ...

Significant Frame Rate Drop When Multiple Persona Windows Docked in the Background

OLD - Anim - Dec 5, 2014

Windows: Opening a persona window causes the editor to lose approximately 10fps per window (4 persona windows open = -40fps) Even when docked and running in the background. Mac: Opening a persona w ...

Mouse cursor will not change unless a mouse button is being held down.

Tools - Dec 5, 2014

Changing the mouse cursor depending on what it is currently over only happens if a mouse button is also being held down. This worked normally in version 4.5.1 WORKAROUND: In UGameViewportClient::Ge ...

Real Time Preview for Converted Vector Parameters not working

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 5, 2014

The Real Time Preview of Converted Vector Parameters from the Material Editor are not currently previewing in the level viewport without re-compiling the material. ...

Shouldn't be able to add wildcard rerouters

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 5, 2014

Dragging off the result of the Ease function and selecting Add Reroute Node creates a wildcard reroute node that is not connected to the Ease output. The two nodes cannot be connected. ...

"Activate Touch Interface" crashes the editor when set to 'None' in editor

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 5, 2014

If the 'Activate Touch Interface' node is called in blueprints (set to a non-'None' interface) and the current touch interface is set to 'None', the editor crashes. ...