Following code works as a work around : void SFbxSceneStaticMeshReimportListView::OnChangedOverrideOptions(TSharedPtr<FString> ItemSelected, ESelectInfo::Type SelectInfo) { #if 0 check(ItemSele ...
USplineMeshComponent::CalcBounds function should be returning an FBoxSphereBounds type, but in the implementation it instead outputs an FBox. This may result in the returning of invalid results, esp ...
When DitheredLODTransition is enabled for HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh, in the previous version (5.1.1), dithering was applied during fade-in/fade-out, but in 5.4.3, dithering is not applied duri ...
The base color is brighter on Nanite meshes than non-Nanite meshes when GBuffer Format is set to "Force 16-bits per channel" (r.GBufferFormat 5) even though the meshes are using the same material. ...
The function "FStaticMeshLODResources::GetResourceSizeEx(...)" does not take into account that the buffers might be emptied, due to Mesh Streaming. This causes "obj list" to report sizes larger than ...
Lumen's rough specular indirect lighting buffer can have fireflies along the bottom and right edges of the screen. Also tested in //UE5/Main, CL: 35177423 ...
In levels where "WorldPartitionRuntimeHashSet" is specified as the runtime hash class, the world partition may not be correctly visible only in the package. This issue is reproduced only in packaged ...
When an instanced static mesh component with a material using a PerInstanceCustomData node has its data floats pasted in, the editor crashes with an "Array index out of bounds" error. The licensee w ...
Creating a new Curve Table asset, and then trying to use the right-click menu "Add Key" option does not do anything. FRealCurveModel still has the function, but it is left intentionally empty despit ...