No camera Motion Blur in PT

TM - Rendering - May 7, 2024

Editing Filtered Channels in Details panel doesn't update Spawn Control Node

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - May 7, 2024

An external user reported that creating and editing filtered channels in the details panel does not propagate to the node in the graph, thus making it unusable.  Here is a video with the issue: [ ...

UpdateDelayRandomStream can cause replicated actor to be skipped for consideration

UE - Networking - May 6, 2024

When calculating an actor's NextUpdate time, a random delay is added: ActorInfo->NextUpdateTime = World->TimeSeconds + UpdateDelayRandomStream.FRand() * ServerTickTime + NextUpdateDelta; If this d ...

Crash sometimes occurs when enabling the Gravity tool on part of a Sketchfab object.

TM - Tools - May 4, 2024

Current state Triggering Gravity on element from Sketchfab object's tree, may result in crash. For 100% reproduction rate, download 'Rank 3 Police Unit' object and apply Gravity to its element 'Rank ...

Crash at startup when vcomp140.dll prerequisite is missing.

TM - Interoperability - May 3, 2024

Some users are experiencing a Crash at startup because of missing vcomp140.dll prerequisite. ...

Water not rendering in Movie Render Queue

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - May 3, 2024

It appears that MRQ does not actually add the pass that updates the Water Info Texture in the WaterZone actor. If the Skylight is set to "SLS Captured Scene" and does not capture every frame, then t ...