The crash occurs from "check(BoneBlendWeights.Num() == NumBones);" This crash occurs when the following conditions are met;The skeletal mesh LOD is changed.The number of bones is difference between ...
Attempting to spawn a copy of an actor that has components that were added to an instance of that actor in the level causes a crash. Spawning the actor without adding additional components to the in ...
Importing a heightmap with 2x2 segments seems to cause the editor to crash in 3 different instances: 1. Importing the same 2x2 segment landscape a second time after deleting the first instance 2. ...
Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 633] Array index out of bounds: -1 from an array of size 11 Source Context: 200 CubemapArray.Updat ...
DESCRIPTION: While using form extended structures enabled for a Destruction mesh one of the meshes will be able to be damaged while any others attached will not fracture or damage at all. For exam ...
Actors in sublevels do not replicate to Clients after Seamless ServerTravel. The user reporting this noted that "[...] UNetDriver::IsLevelInitializedForActor() keeps returning false even when the ac ...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build: 4.1.0-2057451 Description: Movable meshes and blueprints set to cast n ...
The user has come across various issues with using nested blueprint structs within a data table. The first issue relates to changing a variable in a child struct and setting it back then saving, cau ...
Capsule component Shape values can be glitched inside of Actor class bp This effects 4.9.2 and 4.10 Preview 3, however it is working properly in 4.11-2736016 User Description: Alright, so the Cap ...