When playing in Standalone with multiple characters there's the the chance that one of the player states does not get set and remains null. This is not a 100% repro case. Multiple tests may be req ...
Renamed Enums displayed in Standalone game will show the original default name instead. ...
Sprite collisions do not accurately reflect the collision for the sprite. While the collisions are always the same between two of these, the collisions do not correspond to the shape of the collisio ...
When an undone operation is done for a UObject property that has a UEdGraph*, the modified UEdGraph nodes are lost. This UObject needs to be created/spawned in an Editor Environment by another Obje ...
When creating and declaring a Spline Component in code, placing an instance of a blueprint derived from that class in the level causes a failed import message to appear upon restarting the level. ...
A user reported an issue where, if a client hitches during world transition, the client will continue referring to the transition world instead of the newly created one. This will result in the clie ...
From [Link Removed], licensee reports We believe that querying the UIInterfaceOrientation via UIApplication on the game thread is the issue here. We have made changes to IOSInputInterface.cpp and I ...
Camera Movement is laggy while the mouse button is held down and ShowMouseCursor is enabled if there are AI moving. Stat Scene Rendering didn't show any jumps while moving the camera under these cir ...
When using AddChildActorComponent in the construction script of an actor and attempting to get a reference to the child actor that is stored in a variable on Event Begin Play, the editor throws erro ...
It appears that FSlateApplication::OnControllerAnalog triggers a left mouse click to occur on mobile platforms. If developers haven't properly avoided hooking up delegates to the InputComponent for ...