Preview Scene - Lighting angle changes between Profiles

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 25, 2020

When previewing an object, the lighting angles change between profiles; the lighting position at '0' will also change when the Lighting Rig Rotation is set to another value, then back to 0 again.  ...

Animation insights crash with linked anim graphs

OLD - Anim - Aug 25, 2020

From this UDN: Looks like we need to cache the function index in FAnimNode_LinkedAnimGraph::DynamicLink and apply the sa ...

Crash in UEditorEngine::ToggleBetweenPIEandSIE when ejecting from Play In Editor while starting a multiplayer session

Tools - Aug 24, 2020

UE4Editor crashes when we eject from a Play In Editor session while starting a multiplayer session. ...

Text Size In Material Blueprint Comments Don't Change

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Aug 24, 2020

When changing the size of the text in a comment box, after you adjust the size and click save, then close the material editor. When you reopen the editor, the text size is back to the default but th ...

Closing The "Find in Blueprints window" deadlocks main thread

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 24, 2020

When performing a Find in Blueprint search (Ctrl + Shift + F), and after a search is made and the search window is closed, the Editor becomes unresponsive and the user is forced to quit the Engine. ...

Unable to select Paper2D Actors with Translucent Material in Viewport

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Aug 20, 2020

Unable to select Paper2D Actors with Translucent Material in the Viewport in version 4.25.3. Reported in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested in versions 4.24.3(CL 11590370) and 4.25.3. Issue does n ...

Inline color picker doesn't end transaction

Tools - Aug 20, 2020

Inline color picker doesn't end it's transaction. Looks to be a regression from: ...

Niagara Parameter Collection Overrides aren't working

UE - Niagara - Aug 20, 2020

Parameter collection overrides defined in the Niagara system's System Properties do not work. In FNiagaraSystemSimulation::GetParameterCollectionInstance the return value of GetParameterCollectionO ...

Media Player not updating when IMG Media Source files are changed

Media Framework - Aug 20, 2020

Images in a sequence path for an Img Media Source are not updating without restarting the project. Changing the path itself appears to work as expected.  Tested in versions 4.22.3(CL 7053642), 4. ...

Editor crashes when calling "Begin Draw Canvas to Render Target" on Event Tick

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 20, 2020

The recent hotfix caused this workflow to begin crashing. User reports that it worked as intended in 4.25.2 (CL-13908680). We are unable to reproduce it in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370) either. Crash is ha ...