CoreSymbolication.framework fails to load on macOS 11 Big Sur

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 20, 2020

CoreSymbolication.framework has moved, likely into the system library cache. The function, FApplePlatformSymbolication::EnableCoreSymbolication probably needs to be updated in order to accommodate.d ...

RetainerBox may cause memory leak

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 20, 2020

Essentially, this memory leak should be counted in the UI section, but it is counted in the SceneRender section. This seems to be due to the behavior of MemStackAllocator and FixedSizeAllocator. Th ...

Some developers reporting incorrect Preview in VR resolution for Steam VR

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 18, 2020

VR Preview Window is the wrong resolution, just showing the top left portion of the entire view. Somewhat similar symptoms to -[Link Removed]-, not exactly the same though.   This issue has not be ...

OnAudioPlacebackPercentage PlaybackPercentage (float) doesn't take into account "Start Time" from Play or FadeIn nodes

UE - Audio - Aug 17, 2020

PlaybackPercent on the OnAudioPlaybackPercent event does not account for Start Offset from the Play or FadeIn node. Reported and tested in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and version 4.24.3 (CL-115903 ...

Crash on Mac on exit.

Media Framework - Aug 17, 2020

A licensee reported trouble with a crash on exit on Mac. They discovered that the file AvfMediaPlayer.cpp, on the function Open there is this piece of code:// Force the AV player to not be able to ...

Adding an actor with a default property track immediately after opening a sequence will crash the editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 14, 2020

If an actor has default property tracks set up in the Project Settings, adding that actor to a level sequence through C++ will crash the editor. This seems to stem from the creation of the default p ...

Crash accessing USplineComponent from Niagara while it is being updated on game thread

UE - Niagara - Aug 13, 2020

I was working with a licensee on something unrelated, and ran into this niagara threading crash. It looks like UNiagaraDataInterfaceSpline::SampleSplinePositionByUnitDistance on one of the niagara h ...

Cruncher Sharp Double click navigation doesnt work

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 12, 2020

[Image Removed] [Image Removed] I suspect this came in at 13550642 where I created a more separated data/view model ...