"REFLECTION CAPTURES NEED TO BE REBUILT" is displayed on a cooked game.

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jul 29, 2020

This issue occurs when streaming levels including reflection captures are displayed with  delay. When it finishes loading assets, reflection capture textures are uploaded to the GPU. Then the leve ...

Duplicating BP actors reset edited Variables to Default Value if Variables name start with Chinese Character

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 29, 2020

Hints: It has no problem in 4.24, only happening in 4.25 It has no problem as long as the Variable name is contained with Alphabat(English characters) fully; or start with Alphabat(A_变量 is fine) ...

Replication issues & warnings if a client hitches while the server seamless travels

UE - Networking - Jul 28, 2020

If a client hitches while a server performs a seamless travel, the client will get multiple lines of logspam of these warnings:Warning: UActorChannel::ProcessBunch: SerializeNewActor failed to find/ ...

Negative scale with non 0 rotation doesn't work.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 28, 2020

Assertion failed: Engine crushes when a geometry collection hits a landscape

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 27, 2020

This is because THeightField::PhiWithNormal has not been implemented yet. ...

Updating C++ projects with Marketplace plugins in 4.25.2 fails to build project

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Jul 24, 2020

Projects created in previous engine versions fail to build in 4.25.2Running D:/Epic Games/UE_4.25/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Win64 -Project="D:/Unreal Projects/MyProject4 ...

Actors are not properly restored when undoing a Replace Selected Actors transaction

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jul 22, 2020

When undoing a Replace Selected Actors operation, the resulting actor is corrupt and triggers an ensure where the root component is in the process of being destroyed. This is a regression that poppe ...

Can't update position with SetPositionInViewport when enable global invalidation

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 22, 2020

When GlobalInvalidation is enabled, do not update to the position set by SetPositionInViewport. It works fine when GlobalInvalidation is disabled. ...

Missing reset to default buttons/arrows on "Object Responses" section of component collision profile response details customization

Tools - Jul 22, 2020

The "Reset to default" button/arrow is missing from the channels listed in the "Object Responses" section of the Collision Preset details customization. ...

UE4Editor is crashing after user builds lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jul 22, 2020

Issue reported by user that they are experiencing consistent crashes in UE4Editor have building lighting. ...