When making new blueprints they are not placed within the content browser as a user would expect. In the example given in the link provided, blueprints ending in "_1" will come before "_10", however ...
Enabling the 'Deprecated' option in a blueprint's Class Settings causes all existing instances of it to be deleting upon loading any levels that contain the blueprint. Found in 4.13.1. Reproduced i ...
Tessellated objects when viewed from afar flicker. When spawned into QA-Materials the player is the perfect distance away from the tessellated object for the cube to flicker. Found in both Binary 4 ...
When setting a particle system to be active after deactivating the remaining particles still floating in the air from earlier will flicker. This is harder to reproduce when smooth frame rate is enab ...
Nav Mesh is not being generated on a static mesh that was converted from a BSP. Found in 4.13.1. Reproduced in 4.12.5 and 4.14 Main CL 3156733 Attached is a screenshot showing the difference betw ...
When an animation is skipping frames, interpolation will not occur if the Max Evaluation Rate is set to the same number as the number of frames being skipped (or 1 frame higher). The Eval Rate will ...
In high-end mobile preview modes the exposure will return much more exaggerated results. This is related to the new default tone mapper settings since changing r.TonemapperFilm to 0 solves the issue ...
Spectator Pawn cannot be added to level by dragging into viewport but can be added by using place actor in the level viewport. Regression: This issue occurs in 4.13.2, 4.14.3, and 4.15.1 of the Bin ...
Packaging failure occurs with nativize blueprints enabled when you have an array of classes and you try to set it with an array from an instance of a native C++ class. Found in 4.15.1. Reproduced i ...
Crash occurs while progressing through the Landscape Overview tutorial, after the step "After pressing the Create Button, your level should now have a Landscape Actor inside of it" This is a regres ...