I've seen this happen in other areas of the editor as well: Data Table fields (floats) for example. Manually typing in numbers to fields seems less prone to this error; using spinners to drag value ...
Crash Report: [Link Removed] *Crash Report attached User reports, "Launch[ing] Unreal Engine 4.8.1 from Epic Games Launcher, UE4 splash screen will come up and after 80% of initialization; UE4edit ...
A DataAsset with a FText property called "Name" will confuse the content browser, causing it to create a new column each time the folder containing the DataAsset is entered. This appears to be a cor ...
When using DuplicateObject, some aspects of the copied object (such as component transform) are not duplicated to the copy. Regression: Yes - DuplicateObject behaved as expected in 4.15.2 Working - ...
Need to update these UDN threads when the issue is fixed. https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/401360/ios-shipping-build-crash.html https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/428225/about-ios-ship-b ...
Using the Landscape LOD system with World Origin Rebasing causes the LODs on the landscape to mess up. This only appears with imported tiled landscape where the main actor is in the persistent level ...
If you have a mesh with a rotated box in its simple collision primitives, that box won't be in the correct position if you scale the mesh by -1. This issue was reported in 4.20 (CL-4212847) and rep ...
When duplicating a Generator inside an Environment Query, the action triggers an ensure and stalls the Editor for a few moments. This issue was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). It was r ...
There's a bug in UAssetManager::LoadAssetList where the passed in DelegateToCall is not being called in the bShouldUseSynchronousLoad case. This can cause gameplay logic to fail when that bool is tr ...
Confirmed in Main 4.22 @ CL 4586854 in 4.21 Alpha looks to be about 1 pixel larger than other channels in certain parts of the texture "The issue is not improved by changing compression settin ...