The following code fixes the tilt : void UTargetingSelectionTask_AOE::DebugDrawBoundingVolume(const FTargetingRequestHandle& TargetingHandle, const FColor& Color, const FOverlapDatum* OverlapDatum) ...
UnrealTraceServer exits on startup (or when watching a directory) when a watched store directory contains a symlink on Windows. Cause: The std::filesystem::directory_entry::is_directory() call thro ...
Users with large numbers of UObjects (500k+) that are using World Partition want to enable GC actor clustering to handle streaming levels but no performance gains are realized when enabling GC clust ...
When landscape splines exist in a WP level, LandscapeSplineMeshesActor instances are created to allow streaming of splines. In a non-WP level, splines are components of the landscape actor. When a W ...
Large texture crashes during Oodle compression with "-stompmalloc". It appears to be an internal Oodle error. Also tested on //UE5/Release-5.5/, CL: 37463908 ...
Depth of Field, with "r.DOF.Recombine.Quality = 0" will adjust the size of the depth in focus based on screen percentage. This might be related to over-fitting from the tile classification, because ...
When the Composite Editor Primitives setting is disabled, these editor primitives do not render correctly. In specific, ZoneGraph editor primitives do not render with a colour. This appears to be t ...
From this UDN: [Link Removed] The customer reports that this issue did not happen in 5.4. ...
The FKey structure represents a user action input such as a keyboard key, a mouse button/wheel, or a gesture in VR. For the keyboard, it can represent any pressable key, such as letters, numbers, sy ...
A Geometry Collection with Removal-On-Break, after breaking and shrinking until vanished, will reset to the original state (full-size and unbroken) if we toggle between Fullscreen and Windowed while ...