Crash when editing members of a struct contained within a UObject instanced inside a USceneComponent

UE - Editor - Jan 24, 2024

When implementing a USceneComponent in C++, one may want to add one or more internal UObjects to hold some data or perform specific tasks (this is also done by several UE built-in components). These ...

Build All Levels fails with duplicate level instances

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Jan 24, 2024

Comments created using the C hotkey do not respect colour or location on graph re-open

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Jan 23, 2024

This issue seems to only occur when using the hotkey to create comments.  Using the r-click menu seems to work as expected. ...

WorldConditions forward declares USmartObjectDefinition without using the class

UE - AI - Jan 23, 2024

In WorldConditionsEditor, at least DataRefDetails and DefinitionDetails forward declare USmartObjectDefinition without using the class. The uplugin nor the build.cs does not list SmartObjects as a ...

Branch node outputs cannot be wired to already connected Execute pins on downstream nodes

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Jan 23, 2024

When attempting to connect the output of a branch node to a downstream node that is already connected to one of the other outputs of the branch, users see a 'cycles are not allowed' message preventi ...

UMG Animation MPC track cannot preview

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 23, 2024

The reason should be in FMaterialShader::GetParameterCollectionBuffer , Scene is nullptr and cached value GDefaultMaterialParameterCollectionInstances ** doesn't update. ...

Console Variables Editor plugin disables some CVars in Slate

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 22, 2024

The following console commands do not work when the ConsoleVariablesEditor plugin is enabled.Slate.GameLayer.ViewportSlotVisibleSlate.GameLayer.DebugCanvasVisibleSlate.GameLayer.PlayerCanvasVisibleS ...

[AI] Updating an HISM instance transform breaks the navmesh on all of the HISM instances.

UE - AI - Navigation - Jan 19, 2024

Navmesh does not generate correctly around HISM instances when one instance has its transform updated. The most noticeable change is that adjusting the scale of an instance's transform will cause th ...

Opening a Niagara asset that references a disabled plugin (Chaos Niagara) can crash the editor

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2024

Opening a module with references to a disabled plugin can crash the editor.  ...

Fixing Issue in Niagara stack across particle and system stages crashes the editor.

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2024

The Update Persistent Audio module has a dependency on a Play Persistent Audio module. When there are two modules in different overview nodes, the automatic fix up can put the Play Persistent Audio ...