Switch on String does not respect Case Sensitive flag

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 2, 2020

Switch on String does not respect the Is Case Sensitive flag and will generate a compile error when there are two pins with the same name but different cases ...

SkeletalMesh do not output logs with the mesh name when there is a compute tangent error.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 1, 2020

Typo in Tick Interval tooltip inside task blueprints

UE - AI - May 28, 2020

The BTTask_BlueprintBase class has a type in the tooltip for Tick Interval: " /** If any of the Tick functions is implemented, how ofter should they be ticked.Values < 0 mean 'every tick'. */" ...

uasset file not deleted when delete skeletal mesh

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - May 28, 2020

Cannot compile a nativized Blueprint with a function that takes an interface as an input parameter and uses it inside the function (e.g. dynamic cast to object).

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 27, 2020

Issue occurs because there is a legacy code path that forces all interface parameters to be declared as 'const' in function declarations, even if CPF_ConstParm is not set in exported C++ code. This ...

Crash when attempting to generate an event in an Event Handler

UE - Niagara - May 27, 2020

Crash when attempting to generate an event in an Event Handler ...

Transform node which transforms a vector from mesh particle space to world space in vertex shader doesn't work on ue4.25

UE - Niagara - May 27, 2020

Transform node which transforms vector from mesh particle space to world space in vertex shader always returns 0. In ue4.24, it works fine. This behavior has been changed in CL#12558699. Removing f ...

Make AssetImportData setter available in BP and Python

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - May 26, 2020

PIE with single process starts multiple server windows

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 26, 2020

Playing in editor with single process starts multiple server windows. ...