Crash opening Child/Grandchild Blueprint after updating to 4.18

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 29, 2017

From this UDN: Crash occurs when opening child (or in the repro case, grandchild) blueprints a ...

Gamepad continues to control editor menus during Mobile PIE session

Tools - Dec 4, 2017

When using a Gamepad, there is an issue where input from the controller continues to control editor menus during Mobile PIE session. This issue does not a appear to be a regression. Versions Tested ...

Different result from panner when connecting Time with Period

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 9, 2018

Panner results for a Time node and another Time node with period setting will not stay the same even when the period is set to be long and both Time nodes are outputting the same value. It looks li ...

Using a Sub Anim Instance causes a "Sub Instance Loop" Compile Error

OLD - Anim - Aug 7, 2018

Using a Sub Anim Instance causes a sub instance loop error when referencing another Animation Blueprint. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) as it complied without error. This issue was r ...

Setting a console variable interacts with window state

When the game window is set to be windowed and maximized, setting a console variable changes the window's state from being maximized to its default size.  This is a regression as it is working as e ...

UMG Drag and Drop stops working in a Packaged or Standalone Game

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 20, 2018

Drag and drop operations just become broken on packaged builds or launching stand-alone, despite working inside the Editor (PIE). This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). This issue was repor ...

Blueprint graph stops drawing correctly after using shift-drag

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Dec 26, 2018

When shift-dragging in the Blueprint graph and ending the drag on a node with a connected wire, the Blueprint graph will freeze up. There is an attached video that showcases the issue as well. Th ...

Retargeting an Animation to a Skeleton with a Virtual Bone causes the Engine to crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 14, 2019

This crash occurs when trying to retarget an animation onto another skeleton with a retargeting rig that references a virtual bone. This issue could be similar to [Link Removed] This issue was re ...

[Input] Switching levels destroys auto-created Input Component which breaks emitUIInteraction

PixelStreaming - Feb 12, 2019

We auto-create a PixelStreamingInputComponent which handles the input coming from JavaScript's emitUIInteraction. This works in a UE4 app with a single level, but it seems that if you change levels ...

Materials with a custom node with a Struct that has a function fails to compile for GLSL (Android) and uses a default material

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 29, 2019

A user has reported that Materials that contain a custom HLSL node that has a Struct with a function declared inside of it results in the material failing to compile for GLSL, causing the Material t ...