This problem did not occur in 4.27.0. Animation is not output when outputting a hierarchical structure. Actor(A) ┗Actor(B) ┗Actor(C) This is how the attachments are registered, and the ke ...
With the way PLATFORM_XSX, PLATFORM_PS5 etc. are defined, it seems intellisense doesn't know about them, because the .vcxproj only references the Win64 version of Definitions.h, and they are defined ...
Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0 at CL 20979098, this issue does not occur so it is a regression. This issue occurs in 5.1 for both normal light building and GPU Lightmass building. In 5.0 th ...
If you disable Support PointLightWholeSceneShadows and try to place a point light in a level the editor will crash. Current work around is put shadows to low from engine scalability settings. Wor ...
According to a licensee, StageFiles() is called with ExcludeWildcard that contains a directory name ("Engine/*") and bRecursive=true when building DLC. This is not supported by Directory.GetFiles(). ...
Editor crashes while attempting to open several marketplace assets. Allar's Generic Shooter Defuse Studios RTS Template JCInventory Frequency: 5/5 Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.11 ...
Using Shader Model 5 and tessellation on Linux gives strange results that are not present when used on Windows ex: 1) When using Shader Model 5 on Linux, turning on Translucent blend mode and Tesse ...
Upgrading a project from 4.11 to 4.12 causes Class Default nodes to disconnect their output pins from other nodes. If the node is reconnected and saved, it will disconnect again when the project is ...
Packaging for x86 in ETC1 will generate PhysX errors and cause the package to fail. The following error will occur multiple times throughout the package:UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): Unrea ...
ICU for Android was built with U_TIMEZONE defined to 0, which means that ICU always considers itself to be in UTC, rather than use its default Android implementation. We should try and build ICU ag ...