Crash in Debug Camera (patch provided in comment !)

UE - Gameplay - Feb 12, 2019

Hello, A licensee has reported us a crash in DebugCameraController / DebugCameraHUD.  It is due to a missing check in ADebugCameraHUD::PostRender() of SelectedActor set in ADebugCameraController ...

Wrong IDE loads when Visual Studio 2019 is selected

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - May 22, 2019

Visual Studio 2019 does not load even when it is selected as the chosen IDE. Instead the editor loads Visual Studio 2017. If you create a new C++ class after switching the IDE and restarting the Edi ...

Error during packaging if nativizing a blueprint that contains a TMap with a UserDefinedEnum as a key

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 17, 2019

Certain Map container calls (e.g. Find, Add) will fail to compile at packaging time if a Blueprint class containing a Map variable with a user-defined enumeration as the key type is nativized. This ...

Landscape has a seam when scale is set to a decimal

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 13, 2023

Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0 at CL 20979098, this issue does occur so it is not a regression. This issue occurs if the scale set for the landscape has a decimal value that is not 0.5. Sett ...

BP timelines: when converting internal curve to external, the external curve isn't used until BP is recompiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 28, 2023

Blueprint timelines: when converting an internal curve to an external curve asset, the curve asset's data isn't used until the blueprint is recompiled. This is confusing as there is no indication th ...

'GetClassDefaults' Can Cause Blueprint To Become Modified When Unrelated Blueprint Is Compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 22, 2023

The stems from a really old change (CL 2948683) to fix [Link Removed]. Compiling ObjectA will call RefreshExternalBlueprintDependencyNodes on its dependent BP,  ObjectB_ReferencesA, which reconstru ...

Expand Node crashes engine

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 4, 2014

The engine crashes when after right-click > Expand Node on any composite node. Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...

XAudio2 DestroyVoice call causes significant hitching on some architectures

UE - Audio - Aug 10, 2015

Another thread: Note: This not a regression and has existed since our first implementation ...

Adding ProceduralMeshComponent Class to a project prevents the code from compiling

UE - Gameplay - Aug 5, 2016

After adding a classed based on ProceduralMeshComponent the code for the project does not compile any longer. **This is a Regression - Adding ProceduralMeshComponent class would compile successfull ...

Packaged projects do not render in web page using Safari 10.0

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 9, 2016

My Macbook Pro uses an Nvidia GeForce 750M and was on Safari 10.0 when this occurred. This did NOT occur on a Macbook Pro with the same card and using Safari 9.1.2. This did NOT occur on an iMac wi ...