Duplicating functions doesn't reset the GUIDs of local variables.

UE - Gameplay - Jun 15, 2023

This is actually a bug with function duplication via UEdGraphSchema_K2::DuplicateGraph. After a function graph is duplicated, the function entry node still retains the same GUIDs for its local vari ...

HLOD fading reset after view reset

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jan 24, 2024

From licensee:When the player pawn teleports inside a structure that is a HLOD, the dithered HLOD fading transition is not properly reset so we can see it re-starting to fade, from the inside. Our ...

Broken TextureTest BP in Landmass plugin base content

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Jul 15, 2024

It appears that the Landmass plugin has a content dependency on the BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes plugin. If the BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes is not loaded, then the blueprint "/Landmass/Landscape ...

Translucent Surface Material and Additive Particles not rendering on Metal in Shipping/Distribution

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 22, 2015

Certain Translucent Materials with Surface Lighting Models and Additive Material based Particle Systems will not render in Shipping/Distribution configuration using Metal Rendering on an iPhone 6*. ...

DFAO in 4.9 has significant artifacts on some machines

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 30, 2015

Reported in this threadhttps://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?78320-4-9-Horrible-DFAO-artifacts This looks to be a machine specific issue. I'd like to get some testing on different video c ...

Start Up Movies Are not Playing for iOS Devices when using Launch-On

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 9, 2016

When designating 3 Intro/Start Up movies to play back to back in the Project Settings of a mobile project, the user reports that they will play as expected for Android devices, but only one movie wi ...

UMG Visibility binding resets to default after closing and reopening project first time

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 31, 2017

UMG Visibility binding resets to default after closing and reopening project first time. "Get Visibility" on Button click boolean toggle for widget blue print "False" return node value gets automa ...

Video files do not play in scene after LaunchOn to iOS from Windows

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 30, 2016

While attempting LaunchOn to an iOS device, the video and audio does not play. Attempts were made using the following video formats:mp4movavi Attempts were made using the following devices:iPhone 5 ...

Crash occur when using AddSpawnableFromClass with BlueprintGeneratedClass specified

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 13, 2019

BlueprintGeneratedClass is not based UBleupint. So the following code is failed. bool UActorFactoryBlueprint::PreSpawnActor( UObject* Asset, FTransform& InOutLocation) { UBlueprint* Blueprint = ...

Transform node which transforms a vector from mesh particle space to world space in vertex shader doesn't work on ue4.25

UE - Niagara - May 27, 2020

Transform node which transforms vector from mesh particle space to world space in vertex shader always returns 0. In ue4.24, it works fine. This behavior has been changed in CL#12558699. Removing f ...