The visibility of the Text depends on the "+Create Binding" being added or not added. Now, If we go into our Widget Blueprint Designer > over in the Details panel under Content > Select "Bind" and ' ...
When using the merge actor tools with Vertex colors painted on, the resulting mesh will have those colors distorted. This issue occurs only with the resulting static mesh. This issue is a regression ...
Sequencer is having issues handling a camera rotation going past -180 or 180 degrees with multiple keyframes when Key All and Auto-Key options are enabled. This results in unwanted 180 degree flip w ...
Hello, A licensee has reported us a crash in DebugCameraController / DebugCameraHUD. It is due to a missing check in ADebugCameraHUD::PostRender() of SelectedActor set in ADebugCameraController ...
Visual Studio 2019 does not load even when it is selected as the chosen IDE. Instead the editor loads Visual Studio 2017. If you create a new C++ class after switching the IDE and restarting the Edi ...
Certain Map container calls (e.g. Find, Add) will fail to compile at packaging time if a Blueprint class containing a Map variable with a user-defined enumeration as the key type is nativized. This ...
Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0 at CL 20979098, this issue does occur so it is not a regression. This issue occurs if the scale set for the landscape has a decimal value that is not 0.5. Sett ...
Blueprint timelines: when converting an internal curve to an external curve asset, the curve asset's data isn't used until the blueprint is recompiled. This is confusing as there is no indication th ...
The stems from a really old change (CL 2948683) to fix [Link Removed]. Compiling ObjectA will call RefreshExternalBlueprintDependencyNodes on its dependent BP, ObjectB_ReferencesA, which reconstru ...
The engine crashes when after right-click > Expand Node on any composite node. Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...