When multiple HLODs are set, the transition does not occur correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 30, 2019

The [bIsVisible] flag is set to [1] by the following judgment.const bool bIsInDrawRange = DistanceSquared >= Bounds.MinDrawDistanceSq * HLODState.FOVDistanceScaleSq; Judging from this code, I bel ...

Datasmith Import flipped for Autocad 2020 files

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Aug 29, 2019

Some of the items has scaling issues and there are quite a few that have moved from their origin point as well, but the biggest problem is that the whole model is mirrored. even the text. This was ...

gltf 2.0 Blender Polly Import crashes

OLD - Enterprise - Aug 29, 2019

Trying to import the Polly sample model for gltf 2.0 crashes Editor. User know that the Plugin is experimental but as the Polly Model is used for Blender gltf development, it should work. The crash ...

Actor sequence no longer has option to open curve editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 29, 2019

There is no way to open the curve editor on actor sequences.  ...

IPhonePackager failing with Mono v6

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 29, 2019

Mono v6 throws an exception when setting: LogTemp: IPP ERROR: Application exception: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: The FriendlyName value cannot be set on Unix. LogTemp:   at System.Securi ...

Crash when setting Anim to "None" with URO

OLD - Anim - Aug 28, 2019

A Crash can occur when setting a skeletal mesh's animation instance to None when it has Update Rate Optimizations enabled. An unverified proposed fix for this is to remove the nullptr check when ...

Umask ignored on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Aug 28, 2019

UE4 is hardcoded to use 755 for files and directories. See mkdir() in Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Unix/UnixPlatformFile.cpp This is also repeated for Android, HTML5, and Lumin but i cannot c ...

Screenshots Comparison Tests with different partitions.

UE - Automation Test - Aug 28, 2019

The logs says: - AutomationFunctionLibrary: Screenshot captured as D:/xx/L_Test_Screenshots_outlined/Windows/D3D11_SM5/2dd1ddbfed537136cba0ef30863412f1.png - New Screenshot 'xx' was discovered! Plea ...

Using "Collapse to Function" in a const blueprint (such as an anim notify) does not flag the function as const, resulting in a compile error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 28, 2019

You can manually open up the graph settings for the function and check const there, but we should either auto-set const when the function is created, or imply const for all user added functions in a ...

Reimport Skeletal Mesh break Morph Targets if you have Active Reduction on base LOD

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Aug 27, 2019