There are some weird things happening with layout recently, like UE-37541 which doesn't allow the user to save their layout, then reset it to the saved layout. Interesting thing to note is that wh ...
A user reported an issue where the cones that represent angular constraints in the PHAT editor are not rendered if Separate Translucency is disabled. This may be related to another issue with Separa ...
Destroying an AI Controller does not seem to remove it from the world. The controller will still remain in the World Outliner even after Destroy is called. Attempting to get the AI Controller after ...
Pressing F11 (in attempts to fullscreen) while playing in editor - new window causes the viewport in the editor itself to full screen as opposed to the new window that's created. expectation is 1 o ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16. The callstack is similar to [Link Removed], which was fixed in 4.13. User DescriptionsAccidentally duplicated a blueprint with multiple static mesh ...
Using Alt-Drag to move a copy of an actor from the persistent level to a sublevel (when the sublevel is selected as the current level in the Levels window), the persistent level is getting marked as ...
In engine version 4.17 and later the Post Process Materials node is not present. This option allowed for custom Post Process Settings. Other nodes are still present and working as intended. This iss ...
Translucent meshes and particles behind an actor who's surface material uses SceneColor node are not rendered properly. Changing the view angle of the camera causes the translucent meshes to "pop" ...
The Set relative location in construction script does not work when the value is [0, 0, 0] when used it does not set the location back when the specified component is moved, it does work for any val ...
Win64 - Unplugging audio device causes game to freeze. Log is spammed with messages like the following after the device is removed:[2017.11.30-19.38.32:716][386]LogAudio: Warning: Waited 69.495094m ...