[CrashReport] UE4Editor-AnimationBlueprintEditor!FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy::BuildExecutionRoadmap() [AnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy.cpp:27]

OLD - Anim - Jul 17, 2019

Generated from CrashReporter Similar to [Link Removed] but in UE4Editor-AnimationBlueprintEditor ...

"Render in main pass" setting appears to be ignored when using ES3 and "Render in Custom Depth" is enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 17, 2019

it appears that meshes cannot be removed from the main pass and still write to the custom depth pass when using ES3.1 ...

Using xcode-select to switch between Xcode 10 and Xcode 11 beta can cause Xcode 11 to be unrecognized by the editor

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 16, 2019

After switching from Xcode 11.0 Beta 3 (11M362v) to Xcode 10 (10A255) and then back to Xcode 11, the editor no longer recognized that Xcode was installed on my machine when trying to use Xcode 11 as ...

Niagara Memory Leak in vertex buffer when increasing particle spawn rate on CPU sims

UE - Niagara - Jul 16, 2019

Increasing the spawn rate of a CPU particle sim will cause a memory leak in the vertex buffer.  ...

Custom Render Passes in Sequencer and High Res Screenshots are rendered incorrectly in HDR with DX12 and r.PostProcessingColorFormat=1

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 16, 2019

Buffer visualizations rendered in HDR through the high res screenshot tool or sequencer using DX12 and r.postprocessingcolorformat 1 will result in renders that only capture the first row of pixels. ...

On static mesh import correctly named materials in project aren't automatically applied

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 16, 2019

When importing a static mesh into a project with the appropriately named materials in it already they won't apply to the mesh automatically when setting Search Location to All Assets without being i ...

STAT_StaticMeshTriangles is not reporting static mesh draw commands.

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 15, 2019

STAT_StaticMeshTriangles used to be incremented by the static draw policy, which is now removed. The mesh draw command path is not incrementing this stat properly. ...

Plugins are not creating shipping versions on package on Mac 4.23 Preview

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jul 15, 2019

When you try to package a plugin on Mac in 4.23.0 Preview 1 there is no Shipping folder generated. This was verified to not happen in 4.22.3 (via Epic Launcher). Found in 4.23.0 Preview 1 CL# 72363 ...

Material Parameter Collection Values not Updating in Simulate if "Run Dedicated Server" is Checked

UE - Networking - Jul 15, 2019

Material Parameter Collection Values not Updating if "Run Deadicated Server" is Checked Working as expected in 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 Preview 1 CL# 7236301, and 4.24 CL# ...