Folders with periods in the name will crash when attempting to import them. ...
When importing an asset like a Texture asset using the steps mentioned in the Repro steps, the imported asset does not have the correct relative path listed under the newly-created asset's "Source F ...
Attempting to build a local binary engine from a source engine will fail when iOS support is enabled in the setup process. Command line argument (ran from Engine/Build/BatchFiles folder location): ...
When a static mesh that is placed in the scene begins to transition using dithered LOD, The LOD that is being transitioned away from will "POP" in at full opacity for a moment just before the dither ...
When using a 32bit tga with an alpha channel that has hard edges the compression method (DXT5) will create artifacts in the RGB channels that normally aren't there whit DXT1 compression(no alpha). ...
The editor crashes if two saves happen in rapid succession, for example, if you use Ctrl + S then immediately use Ctrl + Shift + S. This issue can be somewhat difficult to get the crash from as the ...
Curves from Animation Samples in Aim Offsets are ignored In the attached project, all of the AimOffset Poses have a value assigned to the TestCurve. If you open the AimOffset and then open the Ani ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.18 release. User DescriptionsI did click on compile on a widget an UE4 crash Source Context 46 int32 UPanelWidget::GetChildIndex(UWidget* Conten ...
While investigating [Link Removed], I have found that GLSLBackend always automatically generates render target location indices, regardless of user-specified ones via SV_TargetX HLSL semantics. Rel ...
Including files with a .cc extension instead of .cpp in a code project used to build fine in Visual Studio. This is no longer the case in 4.21.2. The error message that results indicates that only C ...