Crash occur when using AddSpawnableFromClass with BlueprintGeneratedClass specified

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 13, 2019

BlueprintGeneratedClass is not based UBleupint. So the following code is failed. bool UActorFactoryBlueprint::PreSpawnActor( UObject* Asset, FTransform& InOutLocation) { UBlueprint* Blueprint = ...

Transform node which transforms a vector from mesh particle space to world space in vertex shader doesn't work on ue4.25

UE - Niagara - May 27, 2020

Transform node which transforms vector from mesh particle space to world space in vertex shader always returns 0. In ue4.24, it works fine. This behavior has been changed in CL#12558699. Removing f ...

Control Rig parameters don't function in the AnimBP after the Editor restarts

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Jun 14, 2020

Control Rig parameters don't function after editor restarts. Also the default values don't function and you need to use an input instead of directly editing the values of the pins. You can work aro ...

Creating/Destroying UWorlds rapidly can cause dangling pointers from UAutoDestroySubsystem

UE - Gameplay - Aug 10, 2020

To summarize what I'm seeing there, a bunch of UObjects relating to that world have been destroyed but not all destructed. The UAutoDestroySubsystem pointer is still on the static tickable list, and ...

Cascade velocity aligned particles jitter when "use local space" is enabled

UE - Niagara - Sep 2, 2020

Sprites in a particle system flicker/shake when use local space is combined with small velocity values and velocity aligned sprites. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 13942748), 4.24.3(CL 1 ...

Crash when opening a project with Renderdoc plugin enabled while renderdoc is installed on the machine

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2020

-The editor will crash when opening a project with the Renderdoc Plugin enabled while the user has Renderdoc installed on their machine. Uninstalling Renderdoc allows the project to open without cra ...

Debug information is sometimes missing when compiling with cl-clang

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Aug 24, 2023

Via UDN: As has been discussed previously here and in CL 20055361, debug information is sometimes missing when compiling with Clang. We've pinpointed this to debug information not being emitted fo ...

Component Picker search does not behave as expected

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 26, 2023

Search results in component pickers do not show up unless they match both the name of the actor and the component, this is because FActorHierarchy::CreateWorldChildren ends up calling Mode->CreateIt ...

Using a Shading Model node set to Unlit results in an invalid material with FromExpression domain

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 29, 2024

Create a materialSet its domain to From ExpressionRecreate the node graph as in the screenshot Note that the preview sphere is black. ...

ContentExamples PhysicalAnimation hit reaction example does not react

Docs - Samples - Aug 11, 2015

The Hit Reaction Physics Animation Blending example in the ContentExamples PhysicalAnimation map does not react to being clicked on. REGRESSION: Yes Worked: 4.8.3. Binary Broken: 2647674 ...