When Forward Shading is enabled, if you create a material with their properties setup with the following: Material Domain: Deferred Decal - Blend Mode: Translucent - Decal Blend Mode: Emissive T ...
Crash when set PostProcessAnimBlueprint in persona editor. Related to [Link Removed], [Link Removed]. ...
Using the Refresh Projects button in the UnrealVS toolbar will fail for projects because it can't find the "GenerateProjectFiles.bat" file for the specified project. Licensee reporting the issue me ...
If you open a material with the speedtree node plugged into WPO and then use a texture coordinate(index of 2) in base color the material will no longer compile properly. The full error is "Error [ ...
When using the Engine's High Res Screenshot tool, there is a limit on the amount of foliage that can be present before the meshes stop appearing. This number is around 1500 meshes, though I was not ...
This is a common crash that has occurred since at least 4.14. The callstack is nearly identical to [Link Removed], which appears to be fixed in 4.18; and [Link Removed], which has not. The differen ...
Issue has been observed in 4.19.1 from EGL and Main CL 4027311. Per licensee: We recently switched from UE 4.18 to 4.19, and noticed several issues when doing offscreen rendering. To illustrate th ...
Licensee's project requires the bEnableExceptions flag to be set to true in the Build.cs file. The build compiles for Windows, but when attempting to package for Linux they get these errors: Proce ...
When creating a new Blueprint Class based on an Actor parent, If you navigate to the Actor's event graph, and right click on the editor blank space; type "Assign on Destroyed" and select "Assign ...
Dynamic resolution dynamically changes the the size of the viewport in render targets. The thing is when the resolution changes: it is reprojecting previous frame that is stored in history render ta ...