SetPhysMaterialOverride does not work properly when using Weld Simulated Bodies enabled AttachToComponent func

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 7, 2019

When using Weld Simulated Bodies enabled AttachToComponent func, the child Primitive Component's BodyIstance ActorHandle is released. As a result, in BodyInstance.cpp, the judgment of FPhysicsComman ...

Flipbook rendering distortion when adding local offset to Capsule Component.

UE - Graphics Features - May 6, 2019

Adding local offset to Paper Flipbook in UE.4.22 results in rendering distortion. ...

Dropping a packet containing an initial replication for a Custom Delta Property breaks replication

UE - Networking - May 6, 2019

Custom Delta Property NAK handling is done via Custom Delta Base States. Whenever we replicate a CDP, we have the implementing code return a Custom Delta Base State. However, before a CDP is ever re ...

Blueprint Array/Map properties with DefaultToInstanced types are not instanced properly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 6, 2019

At a licensee, I discovered a problem where Blueprint-created array and map properties are not correctly propagating the ContainsInstancedReferenced property flag. This means that if you create a Ma ...

When editing a color curve at the emitter level color is not updated correctly at system level

UE - Niagara - May 6, 2019

Editing color curves at the emitter level will not propagate to the system level when saving and applying. The curve will look correct int the system stack, but the particle colors will not match. ...

Fill Data Table from CSV File crashes editor if the data table is open

Tools - May 6, 2019

Attempting to use the Fill Data Table from CSV File node will result in a crash if the CSV file is open when running. ...

Trigger Montage Ended Event results in Unhanded Exception

OLD - Anim - May 6, 2019

TriggerMontageEndedEvent is calling RemoveAtSwap after the NotifyEnd callback which is not safe if the ActiveAninNotifyState array is modified by the callback. WorkAround:   Add a Delay node befo ...

Stale PerceptualData in AIPerceptionComponent

UE - AI - May 6, 2019

Also, reported here: ...

Cannot set auto success range to an invalid value in the AIPerception component

UE - AI - May 3, 2019

When modifying the value of "Auto Success Range from Last Seen Location" to a value that is not it's default, you can not set it back to its default -1 one value. This was reported and tested in 4 ...

TrackFieldData and SubSectionFieldData structs not properly being serialized during cook in the Precompiled Evaluation Template

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 3, 2019

During compile on the fly if the evaluation field is invalidated SubSectionField data will not have been properly serialized and the meta data will not be populated correctly, as the custom serializ ...