Actor to Track gets broken on Sequence saving when a keyframe is added

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 2, 2019

When using Actor to Lookat and adding a keyframe to the track, the references are lost to the selected Actor when saving the Sequence. This prevents the Sequence from being saved and generates a few ...

Crash loading sublevel that had name changed when it is unloaded.

Tools - Apr 2, 2019

Updated name of sublevel leads to crash when it is about to be loaded. ...

Infinite sections when upgrading past 4.19 can be non-infinite

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 2, 2019

In 4.20 movie scene sections changed how infinite sections worked, and some sections that could be infinite no longer had the capability. When converting the sections use the start and end time of t ...

GenerateProjectFiles.bat fails to compile UnrealBuildTool when VS2019 is the only version of Visual Studio installed

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Apr 1, 2019

Attempting to run GenerateProjectFiles.bat on a computer that only has Visual Studio 2019 installed (no other versions of Visual Studio were ever installed previously) will fail to compile UnrealBui ...

Actors with Niagara components don't wait for the system to finish before being auto destroyed

UE - Niagara - Mar 29, 2019

UNiagaraComponent does not override IsReadyForOwnerToAutoDestroy, so it always returns true. This gets checked every tick if an actor is set to auto destroy, so actors with Niagara Components do not ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12Viewport::PresentChecked(int) [D3D12Viewport.cpp:492]

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 29, 2019

Callstack is garbage past D3D12 calls but logging for visibility. Generated from CrashReporter ...

Delay Before Shot Warm Up introduces hitches

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 29, 2019

setting a Delay Before Shot Warm Up can introduce hitches when rendering out a series of frames. ...

Mali offline compiler v6.4 has compiler error in Platform Stats of material editor.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 28, 2019

if the build error is not reproduced, please open another material. Error from 4.21.2 version [Image Removed] Error from 4.22 preview 7 version [Image Removed] This is reproduced in Win10 Enter ...

SubLevels can't be loaded after "Build Geometry"

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Mar 28, 2019

It relates to CL 4433780. ...