Nativized BP Struct dependency can lead to a fatal loader stall

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Mar 7, 2018

Report of a chain of dependencies that can lead to a fatal loader stall in a nativized build:Thing -> BPStruct2BPStruct1 -> BPStruct2 The necessary order of operations is:BPStruct1 loadsBPStruct2 l ...

If using Launcher build, Advertising Identified (IDFA) code for iOS can NOT be disabled by project settings

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 18, 2019

By [Link Removed], user can disable IDFA without customizing engine code. But, if using Launcher build, the added settings( Enable Advertising Identified(IFFA) ) does NOT work correctly. Because eng ...

Incorrect level sequence playback in replay with sequence start time != 0

UE - Networking - Jan 16, 2020

"Our dynamic duplicate in-memory replays broke when an artist put an ULevelSequencePlayer in one of the dynamic source level levels. The UMovieSceneSequencePlayer base class has PostNetReceive call ...

Cook fails when a MetaSound Source object is referenced utilizing FObjectFinder in C++

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Apr 27, 2022

Android Cook fails when a MetaSound Source object is referenced utilizing FObjectFinder in C++ Repro Rate: 3/3 UATHelper: Cooking (Android (ASTC)): LogInit: Display: LogMetaSound: Error: Target int ...

Geometry collection - source geometry not updating and reset bug

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 17, 2023

This issue was reported by a customer trying to modify the static meshes of a GeometryCollection. After removing some meshes from the Geometry Source, he used the Reset button to apply the changes t ...

Motion Warping component disappears on Editor restart or when swapping engine versions.

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Nov 19, 2024

Motion Warping component is disappearing on Editor restart or when swapping engine versions. When this occurs, the BP has the following Compiler Results messages: Component class is not set for'Mot ...

Property editing of FName properties doesn't restrict their length

Tools - Apr 29, 2015

We likely have several places in the editor that convert text taken from an editable text into an FName without ensuring that the string will fit into an FName. This can lead to editor crashes. One ...

Editor Crashes on Opening After Deriving C++ Class from Another Class

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Sep 13, 2017

After deriving a C++ class from another class and then closing the editor, the project will crash when reopened. This crash will continue until the project files are regenerated and the project is r ...

If use Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton, PoseAsset of the skeleton will be broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 10, 2019

If user execute "Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton" on Skeleton where PoseAsset exists, the index held in FPoseData :: TrackToBufferIndex in PoseAsset will not be corrected, and it will refer to the ...

Editor reports crashes and terminates for exceptions that would otherwise be cleared by structured exception handlers

UE - Foundation - Core - CrashReportClient - Jun 8, 2020

In 4.25.1, I added a vectored exception handler to capture unhandled exceptions to the Editor process. This handler runs too soon. It doesn't let the structured exception handlers run first where ma ...