Physics Asset created with Limited Default Angular Constraint Mode will have Free Angular Constraints on editor restart

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 26, 2017

REGRESSION No, occurs in 4.14. When creating a physics asset with Default Angular Constraint Mode set to Limited, if the user saves and restarts the editor without making any edits, the constraint ...

Hiding/Clearing Oculus Splash Screen has no effect

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 26, 2017

Splash screens never clear on oculus. Testing in 4.14 it seems like UOculusFunctionLibrary::HideLoadingSplashScreen() is never called, maybe still the case in newer versions? Was unable to clear a ...

Peripheral Vision Angle Value Not Being Clamped

UE - AI - Jan 25, 2017

Peripheral Vision Angle values are not being clamped to the maximum supported value if a greater value is entered. ...

Persona code calling incorrect extenders when building menus.

OLD - Anim - Jan 25, 2017

Certain files for building menus is calling the wrong extenders List of known conflicting functions:FSkeletalMeshEditor::ExtendMenu() [Engine\Source\Editor\SkeletalMeshEditor\Private\SkeletalMeshEd ...

Tooltips Not Displayed for Local Blueprint Variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 25, 2017

Local blueprint variables do not appear to be displaying their tooltips when Get or Set. This is inconsistent behavior, as adding a non-local variable displays the tooltip when Get or Set. ...

Inconsistent behavior with Owen's trench coat

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 25, 2017

In the Cloth level in Content Examples, there is some inconsistent behavior with Owen's trench coat. The coat tails appear heavy (they don't trail behind the character's movement), and the straps a ...

Cloth meshes in Content Examples spinning incorrectly.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 25, 2017

In the Cloth level in Content Examples, the cloth meshes at display 1.6 (Self Collision) are spinning and are being lifted into the air. This isn't consistent with the same assets in //UE4/Main. ...

Out of date info and typo in comments for DDC in BaseEngine.ini

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 25, 2017

In BaseEngine.ini,Comment says "DerivedDataBackendGraph is the default graph" - this information needs to be updated to mention that launcher installs of the engine would use "InstalledDerivedDataB ...

Vertical truncation/Extra vertical space with Japanese fonts

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 25, 2017

Font rendering for some Japanese fonts is not working reliably, in terms of font height. In some cases, vertical truncation is happening, and in other cases font displays extra vertical space. ...

Inconsistent behavior with fitting blend grid vertically and horizontally with Fit Grid to Largest Axis

OLD - Anim - Jan 24, 2017

In the blend space graph, there is inconsistent behavior when the user stretches the panel with Fit Grid to Largest Axis toggled. When stretching the panel vertically, the grid scales. But when yo ...