When attaching an Actor during its BeginPlay, using SnapToTarget (when that location is not already matched up to the parent) creates an offset on the client. ...
It seems like if replication is re-enabled for a given property, its state should be force synced (depending on replication conditions). Otherwise, the state will remain "out of sync" for an indeter ...
By default, the local motion controller would move remote player's motion controllers as well. Add the following to the beginning of the tick function in the MotionControllerPawn blueprint makes it ...
An ensure is being triggered when you set simulate physics on a child actor on the server and then force net update. Found in 4.14.2 CL# 3241561. Reproduced in 4.16 Main CL#3247538 ...
Cannot undo actor transform performed during pilot mode. The Undo history does not appear to include the movement of the actor that was done in pilot mode ...
When a deprecated blueprint containing an object is moused over in the content browser the output log is spammed with the message LogSpawn:warning: SpawnActor failed because class BP_Deprecate_C is ...
Character animations are not played in sequence created from Recording First Person Template Follow-up to [Link Removed] ...
When an element of a data asset is copied into another field, the two fields become "linked" and further edits to one field begin to affect the other. ...
Editing bsp within folder in world outliner will unhide bsps within a subfolder Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...
Expandable Area widget appears to create extra widgets when being copied and pasted. These widget appear to be ghost widgets of the original children. If the new unwanted button is selected or delet ...