Converting BSP to static mesh on Linux causes the editor to crash

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 11, 2016

Converting a BSP to a static mesh will freeze and crash the editor when done on Linux. Windows does not exhibit the same conversion crash. ...

VerboseCookerWarning warnings: Saving object into cooked package %s which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path %s, Outer class %s

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Jun 19, 2023

Creating objects at cook time that are exported into the cooked package is a possible cause of indeterminism, and therefore we have banned it in engine classes and will fire a warning about it. Cur ...

The process may not return to the root node after the Wait Task is completed.

UE - AI - BehaviorTree - Sep 14, 2021

If the Wait Task is completed for the first frame, it may not return to the root node even after Finish. This can be avoided by increasing the wait time of the Wait Task (see CaseOK.mp4). When this ...

[CrashReport] Assertion failure in UE4Game!FMetalComputeShader::FMetalComputeShader()

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 29, 2017

This is a common Mac crash in 4.16. Users have not provided descriptions, so additional information is not currently available. Callstack from LogLogMetal:Display: No .metalmap file found for SF_M ...

Blueprint macro in a level blueprint causes memory leak

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2019

The level blueprint has a macro that references a level. FBlueprintNodeTemplateCache keeps holding this cashe at transition level. Unable to find source-code formatter for language: text. Available ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dylib!UPackage::Save() during COTF

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Nov 21, 2017

This is a common Mac crash that has occurred since at least 4.17.1 User DescriptionsJust trying to launch my project on any output I can. No luck.launching AR project on IOS device. Ugg. Last adjus ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-ApplicationCore.dylib!FMacWindow::ApplySizeAndModeChanges()

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 27, 2017

This is an early trending Mac crash in 4.18. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Callstack from LogLogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed ...

When using ProceduralFoliageVolume, ActorFoliage can be used even if World Partition is enabled in UE5.0

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 28, 2022

UE5.0 does not support ActorFoliage at Levels where World Partition is enabled ( [Link Removed] ), but ActorFoliage will work via ProceduralFoliageVolume. And when you cook the level you will get an ...

This user project gets a continual ensure condition failed: CurrentDepthTexture during PIE and packaged games

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 25, 2015

Continual ensures while playing this user's project: LogOutputDevice: === Handled error: === Ensure condition failed: CurrentDepthTexture [Link Removed] [Line: 650] Stack: UE4Editor-Core.dll!FWind ...

Player state on clients does not get set properly

UE - Networking - Jul 23, 2015

When playing in Standalone with multiple characters there's the the chance that one of the player states does not get set and remains null. This is not a 100% repro case. Multiple tests may be req ...