When welding collision between Third Person UE4 Mannequin's left foot ball, to left foot in physics tab results in an Engine crash.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 30, 2019

When using a Third Person UE4 Mannequin, Opening the Physics asset tab, and welding the collision between left foot ball, to left foot results in an Engine crash. Additional Note: Using the same ...

Deleting animation key values of ParagonKhaimera's 1D BlendSpace while the animation is previewing in Animation Editor will result in Engine crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 30, 2019

Deleting ParagonKhaimera BlendSpace 1D key values while the animation is previewing in Animation Editor will result in Engine crash. ...

Unreal crashes with an Fatal Error: Out of memory message.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Jan 30, 2019

Media capture (AJA) doesn't grab UMG widgets in standalone mode.

OLD - Enterprise - Jan 29, 2019

Media capture (AJA) doesn't grab UMG widgets in standalone mode. ...

QAGame -game launches with 'Zero Iteration' message regarding VR Mode

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 29, 2019

This may be related to [Link Removed] This machine has not been setup for Magic Leap nor other VR HMDs This occurs in Main @CL 4827582 - not a regression QAGame still launches. ...

OnTextChanged event's tool tip needs more info/ is wrong

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 29, 2019

The tool tip for On Text Changed for a text box appears to imply that only user interactivity will cause the event to fire (this is not the case). ...

Invalid Data error when trying to open a new level

Tools - Jan 29, 2019

An invalid data error is given when trying to save all levels. ...

Crash when opening a different level after opening the preloaded level using Asset Manager

UE - Gameplay - Jan 29, 2019

After  opens the preloaded level using Asset Manager, opening another level before unloading the level will crash. Because AssetManager holds FStreamableHandle of the level, garbage collection is no ...

Duplicating blueprint instances in a level with added components causes instance to lose component hierarchy

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jan 28, 2019

Duplicating Blueprint Actor instances in a level with added Actor components causes instance to lose component hierarchy. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-UnrealEd!UEditorEngine::CheckForWorldGCLeaks(UWorld *,UPackage *) [EditorServer.cpp:1969]

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jan 28, 2019

Comment from user in crash group:Created a new level, tried opening it, clicked yes to save existing persistent level and sub-levels, crashed. Generated from CrashReporter ...