tvOS/IOS: Fails to Build with dSYM Options Enabled Due to DsymExporter Erroring Out

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 22, 2019

When attempting to package for tvOS or iOS with the generate dSYM options enabled, numerous instances of the following errors occur:[2019.01.21-20.53.35:739][138]UATHelper: Packaging (tvOS): [2019 ...

ABSLOG command fails to parse properly if path includes a ) and does not contain a space

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 22, 2019

A licensee has reported an issue where using ABSLOG results in some parsing issues with certain characters in path names. In this example, the issue is with ). If the Parse function ends up parsing ...

When rendering out TM-TrackEvaluation we do not hear audio

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 21, 2019

Noticing that we do not hear audio when rendering out TM-TrackEvaluation. Oddly this doesnt happen with SubwaySequencer content. Regression: No this occurs with our content in 4.21 as well. ...

Duplicating an Instanced UProperty Component copies a reference, instead of a "deep copy"

UE - Gameplay - Jan 21, 2019

Duplicating a UActorComponent that has an Instanced UPROPERTY does not perform a deep copy of the instanced property. It appears to only copy a reference to the instanced object. Where as, performin ...

Convert CharacterBP to Spawnable in Sequencer cause crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 20, 2019

[Link Removed] ...

Incorrect net mode during EndPlay in PIE

UE - Networking - Jan 18, 2019

Actor GetNetMode() can return the wrong value in EndPlay when the PIE world is being shut down. ...

Dedicated server crashes when running a multi-process game in standalone with the Code Editor plugin enabled

Tools - Jan 17, 2019

Attempting to run a standalone server and client using different processes will crash if the Code Editor plugin is enabled. ...

ARCore fails to package due to permission error with ARKit enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 17, 2019

When using the handheld AR template and trying to package for ARCore, the package or launch on attempt will fail due to some permissions errors with Apple. If ARKit is disabled the editor will lock ...

Fatal error importing via Datasmith (memory allocation)

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Jan 17, 2019

Trying to import a large Revit asset using Datasmith causes the system to use all of it's memory. Certain systems may receive a memory allocation error in the process. ...

REGRESSION: Metadata no longer import in Unreal from SKP files

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Jan 16, 2019

The reason is simple, the actor names is not the same as the metadata name: [Image Removed] ...