GetScaledCapsuleHalfHeight multiplies the CapsuleHalfHeight by the lower scale value, even if it is X or Y. Seeing as Half Height should only be related to the Z scale, this does not work out proper ...
When you have a sphere that is rolling it will never come to a complete stop even at low speeds. It will slow it's speed but never stop. This conversation was discussed with James G and Ori C back ...
AutoReceiveInput get incorrect controller (previous controller on previous level) on the Listen server at SeamlessTravel. In the process of SeamlessTravel, player controller is changed for new leve ...
When importing a LOD manually in the Static Mesh Editor the editor will freeze indefinitely. ...
Multigates only fire the first output when inside a function. The same setup in the Event Graph will function as intended. Reproduced in 4.7.4 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2498147) ...
Tagged bindings aren't deleted when their object binding is deleted in the sequence. ...
Landscape component edges can become disconnected when using Nanite Tessellation at the edges of weight-blended layers. ...
Pawn Movements can be restricted to a specific plain, even if the planar constraints are turned off. ...