Assigning soft reference not compiling with nativization.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 9, 2017

Assigning a soft reference in a blueprint and attempting to resolve it as an object/class while nativization is enabled causes the packaging process to fail. A sample project was provided by the use ...

Widget component disappears on Compiling the Widget blueprint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 9, 2017

Widget component disappears on Compiling the Widget blueprint. If an actor is using a widget component and the corresponding widget blueprint is compiled. The instance of the widget component in the ...

CPU benchmark value "inf" When using the console command "scalability auto"

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 9, 2017

When running the console command "scalability auto" on a packaged project, the benchmark for the CPU is returning "inf". Example logs [2017.11.09-14.35.50:583][ 92]LogConsoleResponse: Display: Cu ...

Enabling Shader compilation via XGE for 4.18 Editor downloaded from Launcher doesn't work, prevents shaders from compiling at all, editor from loading in some cases

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - Nov 9, 2017

If you enable Shader compilation via XGE by setting r.XGEShaderCompile = 1 in ConsoleVariables.ini in 4.18 Editor downloaded from Launcher, it prevents shaders from compiling at all, and as a result ...

Light leak on mesh when in shadowed area

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 8, 2017

When Cast Shadow and Self Shadow Only in the Lighting Section of the Details of a mesh, the light will randomly hit the mesh even though it is in a shaded area. Light appears to flicker and will com ...

Some menu items are cut off when Window's Scaling is set to 150% or higher

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Nov 8, 2017

When a user sets Window's scaling to 150% or higher, some menus in Unreal Engine go off the screen and users are unable to select some options. Found in 4.18 3709383 Reproduced in 4.17 3658906 an ...

Custom Plugin names appear twice in editor

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Nov 8, 2017

Calling the function FTabSpawnerEntry& RegisterNomadTabSpawner( const FName TabId, const FOnSpawnTab& OnSpawnTab ); to display the name of a new plugin causes the name to be displayed twice. In t ...

Hiding level in Levels tab jumps to Details tab if it is docked with Levels tab

Tools - Nov 8, 2017

When toggling level visibility in the Levels tab and the Details tab is also on the window it will jump over to the Details tab. This was tested with other tabs and when toggling visibility it remai ...

OculusBoundaryComponent crashes when no HMD connected

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 7, 2017

Editor crashes when Oculus boundary component is added without a HMD connected. This was discovered while researching a separate bug report. A user stated that on a project that had been upgraded f ...

t.MaxFPS 0 locks FPS to 120 instead of unlocking it in Viewport

Tools - Nov 7, 2017

When unlocking FPS in Viewport it defaults to 120 instead of potential max FPS. If you do this during Launch the 't.MaxFPS 0' or 't.MaxFPS -1' commands unlock the FPS to the max the GPU allows in th ...