APEX Destruction works in the Mobile Preview window

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 23, 2015

APEX destruction renders when using the Play > Mobile Preview. ...

Using Set World Origin Location will cause the player pawn to stutter

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Dec 22, 2016

Using Set World Origin Location will cause the player pawn to stutter. The faster the player is moving, the more prevalent the stuttering becomes. User Description: I have encountered a problem wh ...

Closing editor after quitting a standalone game causes a crash.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 4, 2022

The editor will produce a crash most of the time when closing editor after quitting a standalone game. This is a regression due to it not occurring in 4.26. ...

LayeredBlendPerBone with BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone set incorrectly calculates root motion weightings with more than two sources

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 27, 2023

When BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone is true, the code in  FAnimNode_LayeredBoneBlend::Update_AnyThread that calculates the root motion weightings for the sources doesn't appear to account for the po ...

Investigate crash with replication nested ever changing attachments

UE - Networking - May 7, 2024

There seems to be an issue with replicated attachments ending up causing cyclical setups resulting in crash on clients. It was reported for 5.2 but even after patching up code it seems to occur. ...

Struct that is referencing a Custom bp Class will reset to default values on editor restart

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 16, 2015

Struct that is referencing a Custom bp Class will reset to default values on editor restart User Description: Making a array of object types in a struct. the goal is to have a struct containing wa ...

Skeletal Meshes with Physics assets with less than 5 bodies will not use flag for Start Awake

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 8, 2015

When using a Physics Asset with 4 or less physics bodies the flag for Start Awake cannot be disabled, even if unchecked, when Simulate Physics is set to true. I've attached a project with assets f ...

Startup Movies Black Screen in Packaged Projects

Tools - Jun 25, 2018

Startup movies displaying black screen in packaged projects. Tested with 4.20p3 4135216 and 4.21 4157973 ...