Custom Depth incorrectly displays in game when Post Process is set to 'Before Tonemapper'

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 28, 2019

Custom Depth is not displaying correctly when setting Post process to Before Tonemapping. We see this as a regression. This was working properly in 4.22. ...

Automotive Photo Studio Template project renders custom render passes incorrectly

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Dec 19, 2019

Renders with a custom render pass from the level in the Automotive Photo Studio Template are incorrect. They appear to be affected by auto exposure.  ...

Shader Complexity not working correctly on Deferred Decals

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 3, 2020

If you place a deferred decal in the world and then set the view mode of the viewport to "Shader Complexity", the decal doesn't affect the complexity value. ...

FColorSpaceTransform Crash on Linux due to misalignment

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Color - Dec 15, 2023

FLinearColor FColorSpaceTransform::Apply(const FLinearColor& Color) crashes while attempting to VectorLoadAligned() when running the UnrealEditor on Ubuntu 22.04. ...

GC Clustering broken for USoundWave assets (crash)

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 29, 2017

Assert crashes Editor in the GC system during packaging due to USoundWave assets not being configured for GC clustering. Disabling GC clustering in project settings is a workaround, but the fix is ...

Font outlines do not multiply color and opacity from parent widgets

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 16, 2017

We don't currently multiply by the parent widget's color and opacity when calculating the color and opacity of a text block's outline. Since color and opacity are precalculated before the outline is ...

[CrashReport] GPU Hang on Linux - /usr/lib/nvidia-381/

UE - Platform - Linux - Aug 16, 2017

This is a trending GPU hang crash on Linux in 4.16 and 4.17. It is similar to [Link Removed] (nvidia-375) ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-Renderer.dylib!FUploadObjectsToBufferCS* TShaderMap<FGlobalShaderType>::GetShader<FUploadObjectsToBufferCS>()

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 14, 2017

This is a common crash affecting Mac users in 4.16 User DescriptionsMacOS High Sierra Beta 2 - Starting a project ...

[CrashReport] Crash on Mac - UE4Editor-IOSTargetPlatform.dylib!FIOSDeviceHelper::DoDeviceConnect()

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 20, 2017

This is a common crash affecting Mac users on 4.16, it has occurred since at least 4.14. Users have not provided any descriptions. ...

Debug Console output remains on screen after closing VR Preview if "Debug in stereo layer' is enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 23, 2018

Affects VR Preview in Editor Reproduced in 4.18.3 CL 3832480 and 4.19 P1 CL 3837072 ...