Physics replication is not working properly. The replicated physics are different than what is on the server. The user who reported this issue pointed out this line as well which seems to not do any ...
The HLOD system gets stuck in a infinite loop when building. Comment from the user: ++I've tracked it down to this code: const AActor* UHLODProxy::FindFirstActor(const ALODActor* LODActor) { a ...
A TMap containing a struct with a UObject reference property (set to nullptr by default) does not serialize properly for an instance where the UObject reference is set on the instance, but the TMap ...
Joining a session on iOS using the Join Session node in Blueprints causes a crash on iOS. This is similar to [Link Removed] but was requested to be entered separately. This has not been reproduced ...
When importing a Rhino 6 file that has a long filename, an error appears stating that there are insufficient permissions to save the file. ...
Child Actors do not replicated properly to clients when running a project using the "-game" commandline argument. This does functionality does work properly in PIE and in a cooked build however. Re ...
Using a Sub Anim Instance causes a sub instance loop error when referencing another Animation Blueprint. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) as it complied without error. This issue was r ...
Focus is no longer set on UMG 3D Widget when playing in Standalone. (PIE works in both versions) Also verified in Main CL# 4247867 ...
Actor components that are spawned dynamically through Blueprint are not being properly replicated to the client. Found in 4.20 CL# 4233996 and reproduced in 4.21 Main CL# 4258917 Unable to test i ...
When copy and pasting nodes from an Actor Blueprint to an Object Blueprint the Editor stalls for a bit and an ensure occurs. This issue was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). This issue ...